Kim Pix Cropped

Artist’s Statement

Called by God.
With that in mind, I start creating each cross by
letting God guide my hands — as God gives me the
inspiration for each Cross. Feeling the natural
beauty of the different woods, that God has created,
always fills me with a sense of awe.

I use rare and exotic woods from all over the world.
Each cross takes many days and are completed
without any extra finishes: no stains, paints, or
varnishes. Yes, only the natural wood.

The power of God comes through in each cross. 
Every Cross is unique, just as all of us.
God already knows what special purpose
each cross is to play in someone’s life.

I realize a great deal of personal satisfaction of
creating/working with God.   I am always astonished
at the final result and feel that each cross is
“The Best we’ve Made”
I know you will enjoy and feel the love of my/his work.

Have a Blessed Day. 
Artist creating for God,
Kim Samples


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